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Nick McCaughey, BA

MSc Student

Department of Community Health and Epidemiology
Faculty of Medicine

Dalhousie University

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Nick is currently a Master of Science candidate at Dalhousie University’s Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, supervised by Dr. Daniel Dutton. His thesis examines the prevalence and severity of food insecurity among working Canadians earning minimum wage income, as well as how changes in minimum wage affect the likelihood of food insecurity.


Originally from Kingston, Ontario, Nick received his Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Dalhousie University. His undergraduate thesis explored personality factors and their associations with statistics and math anxiety, additionally validating a short-form measurement of statistics anxiety. Initially interested in how individual behaviours shape health and well-being, he developed an interest in the role of systemic factors, such as policy, on health outcomes.


Outside of studies, Nick enjoys travelling and is particularly interested in film (once upon a time he wanted to be a filmmaker, until he decided being an amateur film critic was much easier).

© Daniel Dutton

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